Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Halloween Memememememememe ...

1. Do you watch scary films? Which are your favorites? YES. I enjoy scary and suspenseful films. (And I have some friends that get freaked out by ones that I don't find scary at all. *shrugs*) I think that my favorite is "The Ring," since it was the first film to really scare me. Like, I had to PRAY on the way home. Most excellent. 

2. What is your favorite scary book? Um ... I don't know. I've read quite a few collections of scary stories/ghost stories. I'd have to say that I've had some nightmares after reading "Short and Shivery" ... But I don't know if that's my FAVORITE. I guess I haven't really thought about it hard enough. Hm.

3. What scary book to film adaptation is your favorite? Um ... I obviously haven't really thought this one over a lot, either. "Secret Window" (Stephen King) was good ... but not very scary ("Cat's Eye" was even LESS scary). "The Ring" was excellent and is based on Suzuki Koji's books (He also wrote "Dark Water").

4. What type of scary films do you think are better...the older ones like Psycho or the newer ones like Saw? 
Definitely the older, suspenseful ones. I think that the cheap screams are just that ... cheap. And you can do SO, SO much without showing gore and such. Suggestion is VERY powerful.

5. What is your fav Halloween treat? Reese's and just about anything Willy Wonka (Sweetarts, Bottlecaps, etc.) But I'm not all that picky. If it's in my kids' treat bags, I'll pilfer it. The more they whine/annoy? The more candy I take. Because I'm awesome like that. :P

6. What is your favorite Halloween costume? Do you still dress up for Halloween? 
I try to dress up for Halloween ... but I NEVER know what to be. I really agaonize more over the fact that I DON'T know what to be than using all that mental energy into putting together a kick-a costume. Ones that I DO remember are Catra (from She-Ra ... I had the costume out of the bag, with the mask, when I was around 5), a rock star in second grade (complete with GINORMOUS sparkly earrings and hairsprayed and ratted up-to-THERE hair) ... but usually I just ended up tossing things together toward the last minute -- ballerina (since I had the tutu as a little girl), scarecrow (flannel shirt with overalls. Raid the neighbor's yard for some overgrown strands of grass/wheat/stuff), cat (black clothes, ears-on-headband, and pin-on tail), Victorian girl (vintage dress  or flannel nightgown [the year I had mono-wanna-be] and granny boots).
A few years ago, Michael and I went as Alice and the Mad Hatter. He borrowed the hat from Hoyt ... I made the apron and his cravat. The rest we just did with what we had around (I didn't have a great blue dress. I think I had a blue shirt and denim skirt, with a black satin ribbon in my hair. So people didn't know what I was until Michael was at my side). I think Michael wore his three-piece suit, the cravat, and the hat. Since his suit is olivey-green, it looked pretty good.

Yeah, I WANT to have awesome costumes (and pictures thereof) ... I just seem to NOT. Oh well.
(And, yes, I haven't worked on my costume at ALL. And I have TEN DAYS. Ugh!!)

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