Thursday, August 07, 2008

More Randomosity ...

As I'm about to start typing, Bruise asks what I'm doing.

"I'm going to do some blogging."

He thinks and says, "I boggin', too."

So, if there are some ... illegible posts soon, you'll know what's happened.

In other news, Bucket's got a fever to go with the cough and runny nose she's been sporting. It's going down, but I think we're skipping going out today. Poor gal.

I'm about halfway through The Host. It's pretty good. I like it more than the Twilight series (Please don't throw rocks at me).

I need to do a load of dishes, vacuum the living room, fold a bunch of laundry ... and figure out dinner and whatnot for today.

But, to distract me (again), here are some fun things for you my dears:

The lyre bird is wicked cool:

But the parody is amazing, too:

And here's a Brain Age-style game - click the numbers in order, as fast as you can, in the spot you recall them being.

I'm sure that you all have seen the collection of hilarious exam answers. But if you haven't, here it is again. (For the record, there were a few that I hadn't seen in past collections. But maybe your collections were cooler than the ones I came across.)

Who said it - George W. Bush or Batman:

And I loved this live-blogging of watching Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.
(Hint: Go watch it on No, really. Just do it!!)
I now want to see if the University of Phoenix offers a doctorate in Horribleness.
Just wondering.

But, yeah. That's really about it. Now I should start getting all ... idk ... PRODUCTIVE and stuff.


Unknown said...

I remember those times. We should get our kids together for a playdate sometime.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. That bird makes me laugh.