Monday, May 28, 2012

Funny things we say ...

The kiddos always like to think ahead to what they want to dress up as for Halloween.
Bucket's thinking (at present) of going as a goldfish.
She's also throwing around the ideas of:
  • a platypus
  • Ginny Weasley
  • Merida (from "Brave" ... coming to a theater near you June 22.)
    (Can you tell we're looking forward to seeing it?)
Bruise wants to go as Harry Potter. Or Indiana Jones.

Every so often, they try to get us all on board for a theme Halloween (which would be fun).
Then we'd have to figure out who'd go as whom.

Here's what we've figured out ...
Bruise and Bucket could go as twins, Luke and Leia
Bubbles could be Chewbacca or Yoda or an Ewok.
Or R2 or a Stormtrooper (Though she's a little short for a Stormtrooper. Ha ha ha.)

If we go that route, Michael'd be Darth Vader.
And, since the kids are BORN ... and this is a part of Star Wars that I DO know, here's my contribution to the conversation:

"Ooooh! Does that mean I get to be ZOMBIE PADME????"

Yes'm. I'm special.
And, really. If I had to be Padme, that'd be the way to go.

Besides, it's not like (any time that I put effort and thought into a costume) anyone knows who I am.
(e.g., the times that I dressed as Jem! or cross-played Jayne Cobb. So depressing.)

I was listening to the kids tell me about riding in the car.

They were telling me that once Bruise rode in the front seat of the truck.
And, since he's still small, he knew that he'd have to duck if they saw a police car.

Bucket: BRUISE! You could sit on a REALLY BIG BOX! Then you wouldn't have to duck! Because they'd think you were TWENTY!

I'm sorry ... but NO ONE would think that my slim little man was even twelve, let alone TWENTY.

We still don't have our grill.
Seriously, the rain check was made out on the 19th ... NINE DAYS AGO.
They didn't call us by the 26th like they said they would.
Michael went into the store on the 25th to check.
They said the shipment hadn't come in ... yet, strangely enough, there was a SECOND floor model (too big to fit into even the truck, since the canopy is on it).
I called yesterday and they didn't have the rain check in the regular file. I was told the rain check must be with the seasonal files. And that THAT manager who has the keys had already gone home.

Yeah, we're a little annoyed.

Oh well.

But it WOULD have been nice to have been able to grill today.
And maybe last Friday ... but those have both already come and gone.

Still, it's really crazy.
Especially since this Fred Meyer? ... Well, the employee wrote the wrong phone number for the store on the raincheck.
And the number on Google? Disconnected.
Which happened to be the number on the official Fred Meyer website.
I was able to FINALLY find the correct number (wrong prefix from the employee. How odd is that?).
At least, when I did get the right number, the employees were professional and nice.

Still, wouldn't you think that if you, as a business, changed your number, you'd WANT it to be listed correctly on the INTERNET?

Not my business. But if it WERE, you know that I'd be over that like white on rice, y'all.

Okay, gotta feed Bubbles.
(Did I mention that she slept ALL NIGHT (and then some! 11 hours!) ... and that when I set her down to sleep, she did wake up ... and soothed herself back to sleep. Yeah ... I'm shocked, too. GRATEFUL, but shocked.)

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